As easy as it was to logistically set up this blog, I have procrastinated on actually posting any content for a variety of reasons. One important reason was the mindset I had of this not being the right time in my life to start a blog. With trying to find a job and apply to graduate school, the long-term return on investment of starting a blog seemed so impractical. Just another example of my sensible practicality gone astray.
A more difficult reason to grasp and especially overcome would be the feeling of unworthiness that I associate with putting myself out there. For who am I to voice my opinion, start a blog, apply for that job, or want to get into that master’s program?
A shift in mindset
I really enjoy listening to clips from Joe Rogan’s podcast. Not only does he have some truly insightful conversations with people, but he has some very inspiring personality traits. Maybe that should be saved for a separate blog post though.
There is a particular clip from his interview of the director Guy Ritchie that spoke volumes to me. In the interview, Guy Ritchie demonstrates that the “essence of all narratives” is the battle of identifying who we are as individuals. “There are two worlds”, Ritchie describes, the external and the internal, each of which are “trying to tell you who you are”. The conflict boils down to having the confidence to remove your crutches, stand as the person you are, and accept that “you are enough”.
The shift in mindset for me came after naming the dilemma and realizing that this battle was going to take place whether I wanted it to or not. Better then, for my sake, to take ownership of the situation and go on the offensive.
This is where I put my ‘X’
I have high expectations for this blog. This is my corner of the world and I’m going to own it. Just like Guy Ritchie says about suits, “I don’t mean by paying for it”. I’m going to own it by being the master of this kingdom. This blog provides me opportunities to develop discipline and creativity, as well as grow as a person. I intend to build this blog into something I can be proud of.
And yes, I am enough.